Oh Wow That's Neat - 20: Dimensions Toolkit

June 06, 2014 | 1 Minute Read

We are all designing and building responsive websites now. For many of us this means both exciting new challenges and significant increases to our workload. Testing at many variable widths is more and more difficult to do and is likely the culprit of much of our increase in development time.

We are all designing and building responsive websites now. For many of us this means both exciting new challenges and significant increases to our workload. Testing at many variable widths is more and more difficult to do and is likely the culprit of much of our increase in development time.

There are many great tools that have been created during this responsive web design movement. One of the best that I’ve seen so far is Dimensions Toolkit created by online marketing and design specialists Surge Digital.

Dimensions Toolkit

Dimensions Toolkit is really great. It allows you to pass it your url and then test your site at many different dimensions based on many common devices. It also allows you to create your own breakpoint tests and then it will remember these settings the next time you use it.

Another great feature is the ability to work offline. That’s right, if you’re using the Chrome extension, it will work when you’re not connected to the internet.

It even works with all those great JavaScript auto-refreshers like LiveReload so you won’t even have to hit refresh to see it work its magic.

More Info

You can get more info here

The Online Version

You can use the online version here

Buy the Chrome Extension

You can buy the Chrome extension for $1.99/year here

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