Angular's New linkedSignal() Explained

November 15, 2024 | 9 Minute Read

Angular 19 is here and that means that it’s time to learn some new stuff. In this tutorial, we’re getting hands-on with Angular’s latest signal feature, the linkedSignal() function. It’s a powerful way to create signals that are both writable, and that automatically update based on changes in other signals without improperly using the effect() function. Let’s dive right in and see how this new function can streamline reactive updates in your Angular Apps!

Angular Version Disclaimer

Just a quick heads up before we get too far along, the features we’ll see in this tutorial are only available in Angular 19 and above which should be released at some point later this month (November 2024).

Getting to Know the Existing Demo Application

For this example, we have a demo application called Petpix, where people share images of their pets.

In this app, when viewing different photos, users have the ability to purchase prints of the photos they like:

Example of the Petpix application showing the purchase form

As we switch between the images, we get different pricing as the images have different values set by their owners:

Example of the Petpix application showing the different pricing as images are changed

In our purchase form, we have a textarea where we can add special notes.

So far, all of this works great, but if we add notes and then switch to another image, the text remains in the textarea:

Example of the Petpix application adding special notes and switching images

We want to clear this text when switching images because the notes may not make sense for the new image.

So, let’s make this happen.

Understanding the Existing Code

The purchase form is a component that is included only once in the template for our slider component.


This component has two inputs to pass both the price and the imageId for the selected image. These inputs are signals since they use the new signal input function:

import { ..., input } from "@angular/core";

price = input.required<number>();
imageId = input.required<number>();

Then, we have a protected “specialNotes” field that is a writable signal, used to store the value entered in our textarea:

import { ..., signal } from "@angular/core";

protected specialNotes = signal('');

In the template, we have the “special notes” textarea, where we’re using the ngModel directive to leverage two-way binding with the “specialNotes” signal.

    <span>Special Notes (Optional)</span>
    <textarea [(ngModel)]="specialNotes"></textarea>

So, if this “specialNotes” signal were to be updated programmatically elsewhere, the textarea value would also update here.

And if its value were used somewhere else, it would update properly as the value entered in this textarea changes.

Alright, so that’s how it works currently, now how do we reset the value when switching between images?

Well, this is where the new linkedSignal comes into play.

Signal Effects and Computed Signals Fall Short

Currently, the “specialNotes” field is a writable signal, which is what we need.

But we need to update this signal when another signal, our “imageId” input, changes.

Up to this point, the main tools we had for this situation were:

But both of these have limitations in this case.

With the effect() function, we can easily respond to changes in another signal, but there are issues with setting other signal values within an effect.

So we shouldn’t really do it unless we have a really good reason.

Using a computed signal allows us to base a signal’s value on another signal, but computed signals are not writable.

So that won’t work here either.

But now we have a new tool, a linkedSignal.

Creating an Auto-Updating Writable Signal with Angular’s New Linked Signal Primitive

A linkedSignal allows us to create a writable signal that can be updated when an associated signal value changes.

This way, we can write directly to this signal when we type in our textarea, and we can reset this signal when our “imageId” changes.

To do this, we can replace the signal() function with the new linkedSignal() function instead.

We need to be sure that it gets imported from the @angular/core module.

Within this linkedSignal() function, we need to provide two options:

  1. The first is the “source” signal, which we use to monitor for changes. This will be our “imageId” signal input.

  2. The second option is a “computation” function that updates the signal’s value. For us, we simply want to set this to an empty string when we switch the “imageId”.

protected specialNotes = linkedSignal({
    source: this.imageId,
    computation: () => ''

And that’s all we need to do here.

Let’s save, add some notes, switch images, and see if it works now:

Example of the special notes field properly clearing when switching images after changing to linkedSignal

Great! Now it properly clears out when we switch the image.

So a linkedSignal was a pretty good choice for this situation.

Auto-Resetting the Quantity Signal When Switching Images with Linked Signal

In this demo there is another issue we need to address in this form.

Currently, we can update our quantity, and the price and shipping values update as expected when the quantity changes:

Example of the quantity field not resetting when switching images

But, like the notes field, we need to reset the quantity to “1” whenever we switch images.

This is virtually the same issue.

The quantity field is set to a writable signal using the signal() function:

protected quantity = signal(1);

When we hit the “add” and “remove” buttons, we call the respective functions to update the quantity:

protected add() {
    this.quantity.update(q => q + 1);

protected remove() {
    this.quantity.update(q => q > 1 ? q - 1 : 1);

If we look at the template, we can see that the quantity field uses two-way binding and the ngModel directive just like the “special notes” example:

<input type="number" [(ngModel)]="quantity">
<button (click)="remove()">-</button>
<button (click)="add()">+</button>

This allows the value to be updated when the quantity signal is set programmatically.

Then, when the “add” and “remove” buttons are clicked, or when a number is typed directly into the textbox, the quantity signal’s value is updated too.

So, we just need to change this like we did for the “special notes” field, so that it resets when the “imageId” signal input changes.

Let’s switch it over to a linkedSignal as well.

Just like the “special notes” example, we’ll use the “imageId” signal as the source.

For our computation, we’ll simply set it to 1:

protected quantity = linkedSignal({
    source: this.imageId,
    computation: () => 1

And that’s it.

Now let’s save, change the quantity, then switch the image:

Example of the quantity field properly resetting when switching images after changing to linkedSignal

Great! Now it resets to 1, just like we wanted.

So now, everything here is working as desired and is doing so using signals in the most efficient way.

In Conclusion

So, in Angular 19, the introduction of the linkedSignal() function provides a powerful tool to create writable, auto-updating signals that respond dynamically to changes in other signals.

This should help clear up some of the confusion on when to use the effect() function.

With the linkedSignal() function, you’ll probably need an effect() even less than you did before.

Hope this was helpful.

Don’t forget to check out my other Angular tutorials for more tips and tricks.

Additional Resources

Want to See It in Action?

Check out the demo code and examples of these techniques in the in the Stackblitz example below. If you have any questions or thoughts, don’t hesitate to leave a comment.