March 06, 2025

Every Way to Add Styles in Angular... Which One Should You Use?

Ever felt like styling an Angular component is a bit like ordering coffee? You think it's simple, but then you realize there are a million ways to do it! Well, in this tutorial, we're going to break down the many different ways to add styles in Angular components, so you can choose the best approach for your app.

January 23, 2025

Angular Styling Secrets: How to Use :host and :host-context Like a Pro

Styling Angular components can be tricky, especially with encapsulated styles. But :host and :host-context let you target a component’s root element and adapt styles based on its context—without global CSS hacks. In this guide, you'll learn how to apply, modify, and control styles using these selectors, making your components smarter and more flexible. Let’s dive in!

January 16, 2025

Seriously Though, You Don't Need ::ng-deep

Recently, I created a tutorial about how to avoid ::ng-deep when styling Angular components. Many of you didn’t like the techniques I provided so I thought it would be good to follow up to clear up some misconceptions and provide more specific examples. In short, I think you should try to avoid using it because its use is discouraged by the Angular team. In this example, I’ll explain why and I’ll show you some things that I like to do instead.

December 20, 2024

Stop Using ::ng-deep… What to do Instead

Hey everyone, welcome back! In this tutorial, we’re diving into something that’s been a challenge in the past for Angular developers, the need to break style encapsulation in certain cases with ::ng-deep. It’s been deprecated for quite some time but there are still times where we need to use it. Or at least there used to be. Now, we have modern solutions that not only replace ::ng-deep but can also make code cleaner and more maintainable.

September 06, 2024

Need to Toggle Some Content in Angular? Here's How You Do It

Hello and welcome to another Angular tutorial. In this example I’m going to cover how to create something that I need often, a toggle button. This type of button controls the visibility of some sort of associated content. We’ll look two main approaches, one where we use a class and some CSS to control the visibility, and another where we use conditional logic to insert content into or remove it from the DOM. We’ll also look at a couple of bonus variations with the class-based, CSS approach too.

August 20, 2024

CSS Shapes: The Reference Box

There are a few things that CSS shapes need in order to function and display as desired. First, they need to be floated. Next, they need a coordinate system to control how they are drawn and where they are placed. And this coordinate system needs an origin.

August 20, 2024

CSS Shapes: Fundamentals

When you began building websites did you expect content to wrap around a floated image with transparency? Did you think that the first time you created a floated circle with a 50% border radius that the content would flow around it in an arc? And each time you did, did you yell to yourself, why is this not possible? Well, this used to be a real problem on the web, but now we have CSS Shapes.

August 19, 2024

CSS Shapes: What are They?

So what exactly are CSS Shapes? Well, it’s probably easiest to understand what they are by contrasting them with what they are not. So let's look at some examples.

August 19, 2024

CSS Shapes: Introduction

When designing for print, the sky is the limit. We can really push the envelope especially when it comes to layout. We can wrap content around any shape we’d like. But on the web, everything is contained within rectangles. We’ve been pretty creative while building in this boxy world but what if we could break free and build designs more similar to those found in editorial design?

July 25, 2024

3 Ways to add Dynamic CSS Custom Properties in Angular

Sometimes you may need to programmatically set the value for a CSS custom property while building components in Angular. I occasionally run into situations where I need to use a custom property based on a dynamic value. Like a bar chart for example, where the items in the chart are based on data from an api. Well in this example, we’re going to look at three different ways to set custom properties programmatically. We’ll use basic style binding, then we’ll use the Renederer2 setStyle() method, and after that, we’ll use host element binding.

December 22, 2023

3 Modern CSS Techniques for Centering Items

Centering items with HTML and CSS used to be pretty tough to do. Well, it’s not anymore. There are many different ways to do it now. And that’s a good thing because we may need different options in different scenarios. In this video we’ll look at three of my favorite ways to center items, We’ll use positioning, then we’ll use flexbox, and lastly, we’ll use my go-to CSS grid. Alright, let’s get to it.

December 01, 2023

New CSS features in Angular

In Angular 17 we have a couple of new ways to include styles within our components. In this post we’ll take a close look at these new features, and we’ll learn how to use them. Alright, let’s get to it!

November 24, 2023

Alpha Transparency in CSS Custom Properties

Custom properties have been a pretty big deal for us who use CSS regularly. Many of us are probably starting to use them quite a bit, especially as part of a color or theming system. They really work great for this. But what about when we need alpha transparency for a color set with a custom property? Well, in this post I’ll show you how it works. Alright, let’s check it out!

November 10, 2023

HTML: How to Resize Markup Like an Image With CSS Container Queries!

You know what’s cooler than using an image when building a website? How about making something with HTML and CSS that looks and acts like an image? And you know what, this is super easy now with container queries. In this post we’re going to make an ad, that looks like an image, with HTML and CSS. Then we’re going to make it act like an image as it gets squished, expanded, and moved to other locations within the document. Ok, let’s check it out!

October 27, 2023

Look ma... no JavaScript!

In this post we’re going to look at a really exciting new CSS feature, scroll driven animations. We’ll take some, boring, scrolling content, and give it an upgrade to something a little more interesting. And we’ll do it all with CSS. No JavaScript. Alright, let’s get to it!

October 13, 2023

Single and Multi-line Truncation With Ease

Are you running into scenarios where you have a single line of text that can get too long and you want to truncate it? How about multiple lines that you want to constrain to a known number of lines and then truncate? Well, in this post I’ll show you how to do both with nothing but CSS. Let’s check it out!

September 29, 2023

Things You Didn’t Know CSS Grid Could Do

With CSS grid we can do some pretty amazing things. We can easily place items in the center of containers. We can stack items without positioning. We can create complex layouts quickly with ease. And, we can even animate to unknown heights which used to be near impossible without using Javascript. So, in this post we’ll look at a few of my favorite grid provided abilities. Alright, let’s get to it!

September 15, 2023

CSS Masks Guide: Solutions to Common Design Challenges

As people who use HTML and CSS to build things for the web, we run into difficult challenges daily. Sometimes things seem so easy but end up being a real pain in the butt. Well, I’m here to help… at least a little bit… well hopefully. In this post I’m going to show you how I’ve solved three pretty common design issues in the past with CSS masks.

August 27, 2023

Crafting Dynamic Text Paths with HTML, SVG, and CSS: A Guide to Responsive and Accessible Graphics

When it comes to incorporating irregular shaped text into web projects, we often end up using images. However, there may be a better way – using inline SVG and CSS to create dynamic, responsive, and accessible graphics directly within our HTML. In this post, we'll walk you through the process of achieving this, ensuring our designs are on point while maintaining accessibility and SEO friendliness.

August 22, 2023

How to Style HTML Radio Buttons: A Step-by-Step Guide

HTML radio buttons are a staple of web forms, but their default appearance leaves much to be desired. In this blog post, we'll walk through one of my favorite methods to customize the look of radio buttons using CSS, creating a more user-friendly and visually appealing experience.

August 21, 2016

CSS Shapes Bring Rich Editorial Design Features to the Web

For the longest time we’ve been stuck with boxes and it makes things that are common yet beautiful in the print world difficult if not impossible on the web. CSS shapes change this, leveling the playing field allowing us to create much more engaging layouts and designs on the web.

January 28, 2016

Good Design Comes From... CRAP - CodeSLO Presentation

I was lucky enough to get the invite from Matt West, founder/organizer of CodeSLO, via my coworker @schwarty to give a presentation at the CodeSLO meetup "HTML and CSS - Part 3 - Modern Web Design" meet up. This was a good time. I got to get out and talk shop with a great group of people who were excited to learn about design and the role it plays on the web. My talk went a little over thirty minutes and covered the basic principles of good design: contrast, repetition, proximity, alignment, layout, typography, color, and more. For those that were unable to attend, feel free to take a look at the slides to see what you missed...

February 09, 2015

Fixing the :active Pseudo Class Selector in Internet Explorer

Sometimes it's necessary to have a link that contains some children elements. Say, for example, you have a link that contains some text and an inline SVG icon that's styled using CSS. This set up allows you to style the icon for all of the link states `:hover`, `:visited`, and `:active` right? Well yes, with the exception of the `:active` state in Internet Explorer. Well, not without a work around at least.

June 06, 2014

Oh Wow That's Neat - 20: Dimensions Toolkit

We are all designing and building responsive websites now. For many of us this means both exciting new challenges and significant increases to our workload. Testing at many variable widths is more and more difficult to do and is likely the culprit of much of our increase in development time.

June 03, 2014

How to Force Hardware Acceleration to Improve CSS Animations

You've likely seen CSS animations and transitions in various web applications out there where they just didn't work well. They are choppy and freeze along with a bunch of other issues. This occurs because they are not taking advantage of the device GPU and hardware acceleration, but are instead using the browsers' built in rendering engine.

May 28, 2014

Oh Wow That’s Neat – 19: Responsive Boilerplate

With all of the great frameworks popping up it can be difficult to choose the "right" one. Besides doing some really great things, probably the two most popular frameworks [Twitter Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/) and [Zurb Foundation](http://foundation.zurb.com/), can be a little overreaching at times when it comes to theming them. You may find that you have to overwrite and undo many styles to make them look unique. This is where web developer [James South's](https://twitter.com/James_M_South) [Responsive Boilerplate](http://responsivebp.com/) may prove to be that "right" one.

May 21, 2014

Oh Wow That’s Neat – 18: Morphing Buttons Concept

It used to be that websites and their interactions were much different than those from native software applications. Well this is not so much the case anymore. [Mary Lou](http://tympanus.net/codrops/author/crnacura/), a freelance web designer and developer from [tympanus.net](http://tympanus.net/), wrote an interesting article discussing a few different morphing buttons concepts that showcase some amazing possibilities for web interactions.

May 20, 2014

Normal, Condensed, or Expanded Font Faces With CSS font-stretch

Have you ever attempted to use a condensed or expanded font face from a particular font family using CSS? How did you do it? Did you create a new web font with a subset of the condensed or expanded versions? Well, thanks to CSS3 there's now a better way, [sort of](#sortof).

May 16, 2014

Quick Tip – 17: How to Diff CSS Live Edits in Chrome DevTools

If you're reading my blog I'll assume that you are familiar with how to live edit code within all browser developer tools. I use them all the time and can hardly remember what it was like without them. Chrome DevTools tend to be my favorite but FireFox and Internet Explorer continue to improve.

May 14, 2014

Oh Wow That’s Neat – 17: Open Source Ampersands

Paul Irish created and maintains a site devoted to Ampersands. The site is a collection of open source web fonts that only contain the ampersand character. He created it based off an [article from 2008](http://simplebits.com/notebook/2008/08/14/ampersands-2/) regarding the usage of ampersands and the fact that certain variants of the character in some fonts are more interesting than others. The article also points out that the ampersand character is often used only for display purposes and not in content so there is no reason not to use more interesting versions.

April 28, 2014

CSS Pseudo Classes for Form Elements

CSS provides us with a handful of pseudo classes that are specific to HTML5 forms. They allow us to create forms that are easier to fill out by highlighting fields that are required, optional, valid, invalid, etc.

April 23, 2014

Oh Wow That's Neat - 16: Brick. Webfonts that actually look good.

For those of you who have taken advantage of web fonts you've likely noticed various levels of quality. Sometimes, in some browsers, they look great. Other times, in other browsers, they look thin grainy. And if you're like me you probably just cringed a little and dealt with it. Well, fortunately we now have help thanks to [Alfred Xing](http://alfredxing.com/) who has created [Brick](http://brick.im/).

April 21, 2014

Using CSS Generated Content

Back in the good ol' days, CSS was much more limited than it is today. If we needed to style something it had to be in the page which, in turn, led to bloated markup simply for design purposes. Luckily we are no longer in those days.

April 18, 2014

Quick Tip - 15: How to Fix ng-cloak Flicker in AngularJS

The ng-cloak directive was added to Angular in order to prevent the flickering of elements before your application has fully loaded. It then removes ng-cloak once it has had a chance to compile your views. However, there is still a flicker issue that occurs between when the view is first loaded and before Angular has had a chance to run.

April 16, 2014

Oh Wow That’s Neat – 15: The Magic of CSS

We pick up lots of pieces of knowledge over time when working with CSS and then if we don't use them often we can forget how to use them and then have to spend time either looking it up again or looking for where we used them in other projects.

April 14, 2014

SVGs are So Fresh to Defs

No, this is not a hip hop song about SVGs, sorry to those of you who were expecting that. This is another post about good ol' SVG graphics. So most of us know that there is a lot that you can do with SVGs and it can all be done in many different ways. The SVG `defs` element can be used to make SVG code simpler, cleaner, and better.

April 09, 2014

Oh Wow That’s Neat – 14: flexboxgrid.com

If you're ready to build out your next site using flexbox you are probably going to want to use a grid. Well, you're in luck because [Kristofer Joseph](https://twitter.com/dam) has created [Flexbox Grid](http://flexboxgrid.com/) with many of the features that you're used to with other div based grids and more.

April 07, 2014

What the :root Pseudo Class is and Why You Might Use it

The :root pseudo class, at first glance, is a little odd. It seems like it's simply a replacement for using the HTML tag as a CSS selector. There's a little bit more to it than that and in this article I will explain what the :root pseudo class is and why you might use it.

April 02, 2014

Oh Wow That's Neat - 13: subtlepatterns.com

Subtlepatterns.com is a great free resource for high quality repeating backgrounds for use in your designs. It was created and is actively maintained by Atle Mo.

March 31, 2014

Things You May Not Know About CSS Backgrounds

I have been using CSS background properties for quite a few years and have only used what I have needed. There are some pretty cool things that can be done with backgrounds that I was not so familiar with. In this article I'll highlight some of these not so common options.

March 24, 2014

AngularJS Overview for Web Designers

AngularJS is a newer JavaScript framework geared towards the creation and maintenance of single page web applications. It is considered to be a “toolset for building the framework most suited to your application development” meaning that, for the most part, you can choose the elements that you want to use and swap out those that you don’t want with other libraries/frameworks of your choice. It is built and maintained by Google and is open source with an MIT license.

March 10, 2014

Getting Modular With Web Components

Modular is the new black when speaking in terms of the web. From the back-end perspective, developers have been building modular, object-oriented code for a long time now. Well, as web technologies and our development processes continue to improve, more and more of these back-end, programmatic philosophies are finding their way into front-end development.

March 03, 2014

Pseudo-Classes vs. Pseudo-Elements

For the longest time the only pseudo selectors that we could use were :link, :hover, :visited and :active and they could only be applied to a tags. As long as we were intending to support ie6 that was all we could do. As we've adopted philosophies like progressive enhancement, graceful degradation, or dropped support for ie6, 7, and 8 we have seen the landscape of CSS selectors change dramatically.

February 26, 2014

Oh Wow That’s Neat – 08: Cubic-Bezier.com

I don't really come across much about the use of CSS3 cubic-bezier() functions for easing in animations. It is a timing function that can be used in place of the easing keyword for CSS animations.

February 24, 2014

Modern Web Typography: Kerning

Kerning is a very important aspect when it comes to setting type. Unfortunately, until more recent times, it has been left out when it comes to the web.

February 14, 2014

Quick Tip - 06: Use the Four-Value Syntax to Properly Position Background Images

After writing my post Use CSS Calc to Properly Position Background Images I had some folks point out that you can now use the new Four-Value syntax for the background-position property to achieve the same effect. I was absolutely blown away when I saw that this was finally possible. I'm mean, this just makes sense and it's something that I've wanted for years.

February 12, 2014

Oh Wow That's Neat - 06: www.fontwalk.de

www.fontwalk.de is a site that was created as a marketing tool for www.fontshop.com. I'm not so interested in their fonts, although it looks like they have a nice selection. I am more interested in the great design ideas behind the Font Walk site.

February 09, 2014

Make it Count with CSS Counters

Often I've found myself in a spot where I've needed to style an ordered list in a way that I just couldn't do with CSS. So I either had to live with it as it was or get tricky with JavaScript or something to create a custom list with the necessary markup. Then I stumbled across CSS Counters and that all changed.

February 07, 2014

Quick Tip - 05: Small Caps Using font-variant

Ever needed to use small caps in a website? They can add a really nice typographic touch in certain circumstances, but I've never really taken advantage of them with CSS.

February 02, 2014

How and Why to Use the CSS Clip Property

The CSS Clip property is an odd one. I've been building websites for a long time and didn't know about it even though it's been around for a while. In this article I am going to explore how and why to use the CSS Clip property.

January 31, 2014

Quick Tip - 04: Create Drop Caps With CSS

CSS drop caps came up in a discussion with a co-worker the other day. I don't use drop caps in web sites I design, but there's really no reason why I shouldn't.

January 30, 2014

Oh Wow, That’s Neat – 04: Ink - Responsive Email Templates

Anyone who's ever had to create HTML emails knows that it sucks. You have to write old, crappy, code and inline style everything. You have to use tables because more modern float layouts just don't work consistently across the bagillion email clients that are out there. Overall, I would say that they are probably my least favorite part of the Job. But, they don't have to be. Thanks to the great folks at [ZURB](http://zurb.com/) we can hit the ground running when developing HTML emails.

January 27, 2014

The Difference Between CSS box-shadow and filter: drop-shadow();

Normally when I need to add a drop shadow to an element I will use CSS box-shadow. There's another way that I can handle this though. I can use CSS filters. They allow me to do many different things like apply gray-scale, apply sepia, blur, adjust brightness, adjust contrast, adjust hue, invert colors, saturate colors, and alter opacity.

January 24, 2014

Quick Tip - 03: Prevent Mobile Device Text Inflation With the text-size-adjust Property

You may have noticed that your phone tends to scale up text automatically in an attempt to make things more readable on the smaller screen. The intentions are great but the effects may be undesired for the person in charge of the design. Well, you have the ability to prevent mobile device text inflation with the text-size-adjust property.

January 22, 2014

Oh Wow, That's Neat - 03: Myth.io

CSS Preprocessors like LESS, SASS, and Stylus are all the rage now-a-days and rightfully so. They all do some great stuff allowing us to write CSS in a more programmatic way where we repeat ourselves less and operate at a higher efficiency level. With all the good that they provide for us they do add a layer of complexity.

January 20, 2014

Understanding CSS Regions

Some of my favorite parts of CSS3 are those concerning layout. So far I've explored Flexbox and Columns, but today I'm going to dig into CSS Regions.

January 17, 2014

Quick Tip - 02: Use CSS Calc to Properly Position Background Images

If you would have asked me about the CSS Calc function six months or so ago I would have said "What's That?". But luckily for me I stumbled across some blog post highlighting the coolest new CSS stuff that's available for us to use and CSS Calc was one of them. It's really a pretty useful item to have at our disposal.

January 14, 2014

Oh Wow, That’s Neat – 02: iconmelon.com, svg Icons Lib for the Web

There are many pros and cons to using icon fonts and SVGs for icons in your designs. I had been under the impression that icon fonts were the more effective of the two but have had some reservations. For one, what happens if you need a multi-color icon? Remember, they are simply fonts so they have to be a solid color. The only way around that is to get all hacky and build the various components using other elements. The sizing of things is also a little odd since they are fonts they have to be sized with font-size and line-height which doesn't necessarily feel right. Using animations with them is also very limited when compared to SVG. And one last thing, they cant be set to scale at a percentage of their containing elements like SVGs can.

January 12, 2014

All You Need to Know About CSS3 Multiple Columns

Layout has traditionally been a pretty difficult thing to get right when it comes to building web sites. With CSS3, however, it looks like things are getting a bit easier. I've written "Flexbox: Modern Web Layouts Simplified" which covered Flexbox layout techniques. That was cool, but there are other great layout features provided for us in CSS3, In this article I'm covering CSS3 Multiple Columns.

January 10, 2014

Oh Wow, That's Neat - 01: Snap.svg

For those of you that have read my post "SVGs are Cool & You Should Start Using Them, If You’re Not Already" you know that I am a fan of SVGs. In fact, now that I know a little more about them I feel that they are very under used in modern web development. They are light weight, resolution independent, and they really open up the door to so many possibilities for enhancing user experiences.

December 29, 2013

How to Use 2D and 3D CSS Transforms

Most of the time when using HTML and CSS we are simply drawing flat rectangles, rounded rectangles, or circles within 2D space. CSS Transforms allow us to alter the shape, position, rotation, and scale of html elements within both 2D and 3D space. When combined with CSS transitions, transforms can really enhance the user experience although that topic will require its own post.

December 20, 2013

Flexbox: Modern Web Layouts Simplified

New in the world of web layouts is the CSS3 "Flexible Box Layout Module" known as Flexbox. It is so new in fact that at the time of writing this post it is still just a W3C Recommendation and is still in flux with different browsers implementing things a little differently. That being said, it actually has been around since 2009 although the syntax was different. The most recent version of the module seems to be fairly stable with solid support among the latest versions of all major browsers.

December 04, 2013

How to Create a Text Glow Effect Using CSS3

I've often found myself in a position where I want to add a simple text glow effect to some text when hovering over a link. Before CSS3 the only way this was possible was to use some sort of image replacement technique or something.