Oh Wow That’s Neat – 09: Conditioner.js

March 05, 2014 | 0 Minute Read

Media queries are great and they have become the standard for responsive web design. They provide us the ability take control of our designs and dramatically change the way they look across a wide array of view port dimensions and devices. They are not without issues however. They are are only concerned with the width of the view port and not the width of containing elements.


Conditioner.js allows us to conditionally load modules based on their surroundings automatically. With Conditioner.js you can simply add a few custom attributes to your markup one containing a traditional length value which will determine if the module, including scripts, will be loaded. If the width of the container is not greater than then length value then the request will be spared.

More Info & Download

You can get more info and download the library here

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