Oh Wow That's Neat - 16: Brick. Webfonts that actually look good.

April 23, 2014 | 1 Minute Read

For those of you who have taken advantage of web fonts you've likely noticed various levels of quality. Sometimes, in some browsers, they look great. Other times, in other browsers, they look thin grainy. And if you're like me you probably just cringed a little and dealt with it. Well, fortunately we now have help thanks to [Alfred Xing](http://alfredxing.com/) who has created [Brick](http://brick.im/).


Brick is a free, open source font library project. The difference between Brick and other web font providers is that it serves up the original font in WOFF format without compression. Other providers compress the heck out of their fonts. Brick doesn’t.

The fonts are served through Fastly’s CDN from their U.S. and Europe locations. Usage is easy and familiar working very similar to popular web font libraries like Google fonts. You can see complete details about usage here. There are quite a few fonts available for your use. You can see the entire list here.

While I have not personally used Brick in any sites I do like the ideas behind it. There is a small list of known sites that are using it and you can see them here.

More Info

You can get more info about Brick and how to use it here.

Browser Support

ie9 and above Chrome 6 and above Fire Fox 3.5 and above Opera 11.10 and above 5.1 and above

The WOFF font format has pretty good browser support working in all modern browsers. Not supported in ie8 and below.