CSS Custom Properties

January 16, 2025

Seriously Though, You Don't Need ::ng-deep

Recently, I created a tutorial about how to avoid ::ng-deep when styling Angular components. Many of you didn’t like the techniques I provided so I thought it would be good to follow up to clear up some misconceptions and provide more specific examples. In short, I think you should try to avoid using it because its use is discouraged by the Angular team. In this example, I’ll explain why and I’ll show you some things that I like to do instead.

December 20, 2024

Stop Using ::ng-deep… What to do Instead

Hey everyone, welcome back! In this tutorial, we’re diving into something that’s been a challenge in the past for Angular developers, the need to break style encapsulation in certain cases with ::ng-deep. It’s been deprecated for quite some time but there are still times where we need to use it. Or at least there used to be. Now, we have modern solutions that not only replace ::ng-deep but can also make code cleaner and more maintainable.