Recent Posts

October 11, 2024

Mastering the Angular Currency Pipe... Easy Money!

Many developers struggle with displaying currency correctly, especially when dealing with different locales and formats. This is because currency formatting can be complex, with many variables to consider such as decimal separators, currency symbols, and number formatting. It's not just about displaying the currency, but also about making sure it's easily readable and understandable by all users.

October 04, 2024

Mastering the Angular Date Pipe… It's About Time!

Many developers struggle with formatting dates correctly for different locales and use cases, leading to inconsistent user experiences. When working with dates, it's easy to get caught up in the complexity of formatting options, which can result in a mess of code that's hard to maintain. Inconsistent date formats can also lead to confusion among users, and even worse, errors in calculations or data analysis.

September 27, 2024

Stop Adding Repetitive Code in Components! Use ngTemplateOutlet Instead

When building Angular applications, we've all been there - stuck with repetitive code that's makes our app large and hard to maintain. We've got sections of code that do similar tasks, but with slight variations, and we copy-paste them in many places. Wometimes throughout the whole app, and sometimes even within a component template. This leads to a mess of code that's difficult to read and update.

September 20, 2024

Got an Angular form? Cool, is it Accessible?

How do people without arms, people who can’t see well, people who can’t hear, or who have other disabilities, use your application? Making forms accessible in Angular is crucial, not just because it's the right thing to do, but also because it can greatly enhance the user experience for everyone, regardless of their abilities. By doing so, we can ensure that our application is usable by as many people as possible, which can ultimately lead to a better user base and even more business opportunities. In this tutorial we’ll cover several things we can do to greatly improve the accessibility of a basic Angular form.

September 13, 2024

Add an Angular Form Control, Do Cool Form Stuff

Forms are a pretty big deal in any application really and, if you didn’t already know or haven’t had much experience with it yet, Angular has you covered with the Reactive Forms Module. In this example we’ll create a basic form control and then add several enhancements to the form overall based on the validity and interaction states of the control. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to quickly add your own form controls and create some very useful forms.

September 06, 2024

Need to Toggle Some Content in Angular? Here's How You Do It

Hello and welcome to another Angular tutorial. In this example I’m going to cover how to create something that I need often, a toggle button. This type of button controls the visibility of some sort of associated content. We’ll look two main approaches, one where we use a class and some CSS to control the visibility, and another where we use conditional logic to insert content into or remove it from the DOM. We’ll also look at a couple of bonus variations with the class-based, CSS approach too.

August 30, 2024

Create a Cross-fade Animation

There are a handful of animations that are commonly found in various applications that you probably use every day. I’ll bet you don’t even notice them or give them much thought. These apps just feel easier to use and more intuitive. In this example I’ll show you how to use one that I need often, a crossfade animation where there’s some content fading out while some other content fades in.

August 23, 2024

Create a Basic Flip Animation

There are certain animations that are commonly found in a lot of different applications. They are common because people are used to the way they feel, and they are good at conveying interactions and the meaning behind them. One of these types of animations is a flip animation where you have some content and then, through some sort of interaction, it needs to flip over and reveal the content from the opposite side. We’ll this is what we’re going to create in this example.

August 20, 2024

CSS Shapes: The Reference Box

There are a few things that CSS shapes need in order to function and display as desired. First, they need to be floated. Next, they need a coordinate system to control how they are drawn and where they are placed. And this coordinate system needs an origin.

August 20, 2024

CSS Shapes: Fundamentals

When you began building websites did you expect content to wrap around a floated image with transparency? Did you think that the first time you created a floated circle with a 50% border radius that the content would flow around it in an arc? And each time you did, did you yell to yourself, why is this not possible? Well, this used to be a real problem on the web, but now we have CSS Shapes.

August 19, 2024

CSS Shapes: What are They?

So what exactly are CSS Shapes? Well, it’s probably easiest to understand what they are by contrasting them with what they are not. So let's look at some examples.

August 19, 2024

CSS Shapes: Introduction

When designing for print, the sky is the limit. We can really push the envelope especially when it comes to layout. We can wrap content around any shape we’d like. But on the web, everything is contained within rectangles. We’ve been pretty creative while building in this boxy world but what if we could break free and build designs more similar to those found in editorial design?

August 16, 2024

Create a Slide-in/Slide-out Animation

When you build things in Angular, you’ll probably end up wanting or needing to add animations and transitions to parts of your UI. One very common one is a “slide-in” or “slide-out” animation where an item transitions from a hidden to a visible state. And since this is something that you’re likely going to need at some point, I figured that I’d show you how to create one. So that’s what we’re going to do in this post.

August 01, 2024

Feeling the Effects With the Angular effect() Function

Signals are a pretty big deal in Angular now a days. I’ve created several videos on them recently because there’s a lot to consider when using them. As you use them more over time, you’ll probably run into scenarios where you need to execute code when signal values change. Now, one way to do this is to use computed signals which is something I’ve covered in the past, but there is a possibility that even this won’t work for your situation. We’ll if this is the case, there is another possibility. You can use the effect function.

August 01, 2024

Create a Signal From Another Signal

Signals are now a core concept in the Angular framework. When you build components, directives, and services, you’re going to want use them going forward. And as you do, at some point you’ll likely ask yourself the question: how can I create a signal based on the values from another signal? Well, in this post, I’m going to show you how, and it won’t take very long either!

July 25, 2024

3 Ways to add Dynamic CSS Custom Properties in Angular

Sometimes you may need to programmatically set the value for a CSS custom property while building components in Angular. I occasionally run into situations where I need to use a custom property based on a dynamic value. Like a bar chart for example, where the items in the chart are based on data from an api. Well in this example, we’re going to look at three different ways to set custom properties programmatically. We’ll use basic style binding, then we’ll use the Renederer2 setStyle() method, and after that, we’ll use host element binding.

July 19, 2024

Template variables in Angular using the new @let syntax

In Angular, we can now create variables for reuse right within our component templates. Now that might seem odd but it’s actually pretty cool. If you’re like me, you may have a hard time understanding the benefits at first. So, in this example, I’ll show you how to create these template variables, and then I’ll show you several different possible use cases and benefits to help you better understand why you may want to use them in your projects.

July 05, 2024

Create a Custom Loading Screen in Your Angular App

If you’ve built apps in angular in the past, I’m sure you’ve experienced the blank screen while you wait for the app to be bootstrapped. In smaller applications, it’s not as noticeable but in larger, more complex applications, we may need to wait for a little bit before we see the actual content loaded. And staring at a blank screen while we wait is not ideal. Well, we can upgrade this experience by adding our own custom loading screen and it’s pretty easy to do too. In this example that’s exactly what we’re going to do.

July 05, 2024

Host Decorators Are Dead… Use Host Element Binding Instead

In the newest versions of Angular, the @HostBinding and @HostListener decorators are no longer intended for use. As the new documentation states, they “exist exclusively for backwards compatibility”. There’s a new, more streamlined way to do this type of thing, and if you’ve worked with Angular in the past, it may look familiar to you. It’s kind of an old concept made new again. In this video we’ll look at a couple of examples I created for past videos about these decorators, and we’ll replace them with the newer methods. Also, we’ll update a few other concepts in these components and directives along the way too. Ok, let’s start with a @HostBinding example.

June 28, 2024

Angular CDK: Auto-Resizing Textareas!

By default, an HTML textarea control doesn’t expand or contract as content is added and removed. Sometimes this is ok, but often it would be better if we did have some control where we could allow the height to resize automatically, to better fit the content. Well, this is possible and, in fact, it’s really easy to do in Angular when using the CDK. In this example I’ll show you just how easy it is. Alright, let’s get to it!